Shunxingfa Electronic Bags Co.,Ltd was founded in 1989 is a professional manufacturer specialized in backpacks,cooler bags, trolley bags, laptop bags, travel bags, diaper bags, cosmetic bags and school bags etc.
Shunxingfa has two branch factories with a total covering area of 16800m². There are more than 300 employees. Annual output value is more than US $15 million.
We have own brand- Erisen. Our factory establishes powerful R&D department to design and develop new and fashional style. We can provide you OEM and ODM service. Not only that, all of the members of Shunxingfa gather together for satisfying the orders from clients with strict quality control, reasonable market price and elaborate design and making. Our goods can pass AZO free, low lead, EN71, Reach, and Phthalate free etc. Our products are favored by customer from all over the world. The overseas well-known enterprises Lidl stiftung & CO.KG, AldI, Carrefour Corporate and Wal-Mart Corporate etc. have established long-term business relationship with Shunxingfa.